A Guide on Civil Society’s participation

This Guide, as part of Rasheed’s projects and one of “Our Country’s Budget” components, seeks to contribute to achieving a number of goals, foremost of which:

  1. Enhance the process of transparency and participation in the general budget formulation stages in Jordan in accordance with the best international indicators and practices.
  2. Promote the internationally common approach used in engaging civil society in the general budget formulation stages.
  3. Identify the roles that civil society could play in all budget formulation stages and oversight through engagement in the budget’s preparation, execution, assessment and oversight.
  4. Analyze Jordan’s general budget in the context of: definition of the budget; the budget’s top priorities; the budget’s formulation stages; the type of budget used, its advantages and disadvantages on the basis of its reflection of the Open Budget Initiative (OBI), its alignment with developmental, economic and social schemes, and its compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  5. Empower civil society to grasp and analyze the general budget and its provisions across all formulation stages.
  6. Contribute to developing civil society’s mechanisms, roles and methods of partnership that may enhance transparency and participation in the general budget.
  7. Develop civil society’s mechanisms and tools, and adopt a lobbying and advocacy strategy over the general budget in order to produce a more credible and open budget; one that is in line with governance indicators.
