Tracking Anti-Corruption Summit Commitments Project


This project aims to implement three of Jordan’s commitments at the London Anti-Corruption Summit 2016 and to start implementing five other commitments during the project period, which began in September 2018 and continues until the end of October 2020


Preparing Key performance indicators to measure progress in implementing Jordan’s commitments at the Anti-corruption Summit: London 2016.

Presenting indicators to relevant civil society institutions.

Forming a national committee of institutions concerned with obligations.

Cooperating with the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission to monitor the progress made in implementing the commitments.

Issuing semi-annual reports on the project’s website on the progress made in implementing the commitments.

Preparing a report on the status of anti-corruption obligations during the COVID-19 crisis

Assessing Jordan’s Response to COVID19 under Anti-Corruption Standards

Preparing a report on Anti Money Laundering and Public Procurement.

Anti-Money Laundering – Understanding and Contextualizing

Public Procurement Landscape – Socially Responsible Concept Content and Practice

Preparing videos and infographics about Jordan’s commitments to the Global Anti-Corruption Summit in London in 2016.


Key Performance indicators were developed to measure progress in implementing Jordan’s commitments at the Anti-Corruption Summit: London 2016 and presented to civil society institutions and the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission.

and Anti-Corruption Commission, with instructions from the Cabinet in April 2019.

The semi-annual reports were prepared and issued to measure the progress made in implementing the commitments in cooperation with the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission and the National Committee and published on the project’s website.

By the end of the project, objectives were achieved by completing three commitments and starting to implement the rest of them.