HIMAM elects Mdanat as coordinator of its coalition

The coalition of Jordanian human rights civil society organizations, HIMAM, elected Executive Director of Rasheed for Integrity and Transparency (Transparency International – Jordan) Abeer Mdanat as the coordinator to lead the coalition for the next two years.

HIAMAM, in its general assembly meeting, noted that the periodic change in its leadership consolidates work democracy and enhances its position and effectiveness in civil society.

Since HIMAM’s establishment in 2015, colleagues Nidal Mansour, Ahmad Awad and Amer Bani Amer have held the coordinator position until Mdanat was elected.

For her part, Mdanat said that HIMAM proved its ability to show cohesion and continuity in its work effectively in defending the space of civil society and human rights, in spite of all the challenges and obstacles that face civil society organizations.

In the past three months, HIMAM has been working on preparing a work strategy that will be ready at the end of June, while at the same time it has commissioned experts to prepare a guide on financial policies as well as conduct an assessment on the standards of good governance within its organizations.

Once the new documents are approved, they will be added to reference documents that HIMAM has adopted since its establishment, which govern its framework.

It is worth noting that HIMAM surfaced in 2015 and has 15 civil society organizations under its umbrella, working in different fields. The goal is to unite the efforts of these organizations to boost the role of non-governmental institutions in society and enable them to play a leading role as well as uphold values of democracy and human rights.

Moreover, HIMAM supports the organizations to push sustainable development forward and increase the capacities of civil society organizations and support them to perform their duty in spreading a culture of human rights, citizenship, rule of law, values of justice and good governance.

HIMAM’s members include: the Phenix Center for Economics and Informatics Studies, Justice Center for Legal Aid, Lawyers without Borders, Center For Defending Freedom of Journalists, Adaleh Center For Human Rights Studies, Afaq Jordan for Development and Training, Sisterhood is Global Institute, Ruwwad, Tamkeen for Legal Aid and Human Rights, Hayat Center-Rased, Community Media Network, Rasheed for Integrity and Transparency (Transparency International-Jordan), Arab Women’s Association, Leaders of Tomorrow and Ahel Organization.