Enhance Integrity to
Empower Women

In the 2017 Global Gender Gap Index, Jordan is ranked 135 out of 144 countries with a women’s economic participation of 12%, which is the lowest economic participation rate of women in the Arab World. Even if the Jordanian education system ensures equal access to both genders and if there are highly educated female who have the potential to advance Jordan’s economic, social, and political development, they remain under-utilized and often sidelined because they still endure strict social norms and traditions imposed by family and community networks.
We at Rasheed TI-JO, are promoting gender equality, advocating for women's empowerment and encouraging their political and economic participation in order to strengthen integrity in Jordan.
To do so, we ran a series of projects in order to achieve gender mainstreaming in the public sector but also to include gender focus in national strategies.
A report was prepared under the title: “Legal review report- for the Civil Service by-law no. (32) For 2013 and its amendments and Hiring on leadership positions by-law for 2013 and its amendments, about promoting women opportunities for leadership positions in government sector”, in order to introduce slight amendments to the Civil service by-law.
We prepared a communication strategy with the aim to tackle the bad impression towards women participation in the public sector. We produced five success story movies, telling the story of five different women from different sectors. These were testimonial about their qualifications, impediments and success.
The other purpose of these videos was to explain to the broad public and to working women that they are qualified for public office, and finally to inspire young women to strive for success.
The women presented on the videos were granted with the King Abdullah II Award for Excellence.
We produced an investigative video to highlight the gap between the legislative texts and the reality of women, including their rights to reach leadership positions in the public sector.
This video was twice posted on Roya TV, boosted on Rasheed TI-JO ’s Facebook
and YouTube Channel.
We also conducted a field survey in order to show the reality of women leaders in the ministries, their number, their qualifications, and their proportion in the total workforce in these ministries, highlighting the idea of gender discrimination.
We created a national integrity network of women leaders, called Nazzeha with women professionals from the Public, Private and Academic sector.
Finally, we ran a "Creative Youth" competition with the aim to educate young Jordanians about the importance of having qualified women in senior management positions in the public sector. Through photography and short films, they reflected the reality and the challenges facing women leaders in the country. More than 400 youth submitted their applications. The results of the competition were announced in conjunction with International Women’s Day on 8th of March. One image and two short films won the competition. The winner photo was posted on Facebook and the two awarded short films were posted on Rasheed TI-JO’s Facebook page and on Rasheed TI-JO’s YouTube channel.
We organized meetings in order to present the advantages of promoting women opportunities for leadership positions for women in the public sector, and to discuss the opportunities and challenges faced by Jordanian women.
These events were attended by women activists, decision makers, stakeholders...
We met different Ministries to discuss their potential support our project and fight this cause with us.
This is the summary of several different projects that we implemented:
1. Women In Leadership
2. Sharaka : Fostering Public Finance and Asset Recovery, and Empowering People, Groups and Communities for a Corruption-Free MENA Region.
3. Engaging women in the fight against Corruption
If you are interested in participating with us or in supporting us in the fight against corruption, please call +96265812528 or send an email to info@rasheedti.org