Private Sector

Various forms of corruption often negatively affect the operations of businesses operating in Jordan, and hinder investment. Most commonly, “wasta”, which is a system of middlemen,makes transactions opaque and prevents competitiveness. Other obstacles include high levels of bureaucracy, red tape, and unclear regulations
Corruption including abuse of office, bribery, money laundering and extortion is considered a punishable crime in the Jordanian Penal Code. However, the government needs to improve its role in implementing and monitoring these laws.
According to the National Integrity System study, private sector entities in the country need to practice higher levels of transparency. Indeed, a Jordanian company’s dedication to transparency is largely dependent on its size and its relationship with the government. For instance, public joint stock companies and banks are required to disclose accurate data and information, whereas smaller companies do not have such obligations.
In order to enhance transparency in the private sector, as part of the Action for Integrity project, we will be:
A. Drafting a roadmap for developing the codes of conduct for private sector.
B. Developing and promoting the business principles module, and work on filling the existing gap by providing the private sector with a simple 6-step tool for strengthening integrity within corporations.
The 6-step tool includes the following:
1. Commit to an anti-corruption program 'from the top' .
2. Assess the current status and risk environment .
3. Plan the anti-corruption program .
4. Act on the plan .
5. Monitor controls and progress .
6. Report internally and externally on the program.
C. Updating and revise the Jordan Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission compliance tool which is already in draft form. Then, we’ll hold two internal workshops for the purpose of implementing compliance checklists.
D. Updating the SDG 16 scorecard to measure the improvement of the private sector.
This is the summary of the project 'Action for Integrity'.
For the full report of this project, please go to 'Publications'
If you are interested in participating with us or in supporting us in the fight against corruption, please call +96265812528 or send an email to